Monthly Archives: June 2022

New Trees and Shrubs

It is said, that we plant a tree for the generations of tomorrow to enjoy.

That may be true, but we are most grateful for the beautiful addition that these trees have already brought to our parish grounds.Through the generosity of our parishioners, 41 new trees have been planted as well as 31 flowering shrubs and perennials. Planting took place June 10-13.

The trees are planted throughout the parish grounds and the shrubs and perennials are planted in the devotional garden at Our Lady of Lourdes as well as around The Good Shepherd shrines.

A BIG THANK YOU, to the volunteers who have offered to water these new plantings, twice each day.  During this very, dry and hot spell that we are experiencing, it is vital to keep a schedule for watering. Early in the morning and again later in the evening, you will see teams of watering angels caring for these new plantings.

This week, Father Karl, Tammy and her daughter, Tierney, and Sandy tagged each tree with the name of the sponsor family.  The Dedication Plaques (which will be 6” x 12” Pennsylvania Blue Slate stones) are ordered and will take approximately 8 weeks for delivery.  Once they have arrived, we will plan to have a Dedication Ceremony.

If you see these folks, please thank them for their dedication.

Watering Volunteers

Tim, Kristin, Matt Laszlo Joe and Eileen Valach
Jim and Donna Dineen Mike and Marilyn Kranz
Matt and Kristine Kwiatokowski Family Rick and Audrey Belding
Dick and Mary Searls Anette Estes
Rachel Boulds Family Dan and Amy Schwert Family
John and Susan Wolf Tom and Tammy Daugherty Family
Annette and Dennis Berman Karyn Fuller
Jacquelyn Bennett Chuck and Sandy Book


Help save a life…give blood

Join the Knights of Columbus on Sunday, June 19 from 8:00am to 12:30pm for a blood drive in the basement of the church.  Attend Mass first and then give blood!

Please sign up on-line by clicking HERE.

Please make sure to eat a healthy meal and drink plenty of water before donating.  Also, bring a photo ID to the blood drive.

Donors will also receive a Bluetooth speaker!

Thank you to all our loyal, life-saving blood donors!

Thanks to all for helping us celebrate Fr. Karl’s Jubilee!

A message from Fr. Karl:

No words of mine are adequate to express my thanks for the events of last weekend. It was unbelievable. So many people, so well organized, and all done so well and efficiently by volunteers. I was overwhelmed. My brother and cousins were amazed by the hospitality and welcome they received. Thank you! This parish continues to amaze me. Thank you to the parish council, the amazing volunteers, and all the people of the parish. Thank you for the cards and gifts. May the Lord continue to bless and protect us as we move forward in faith, hope, and love. May we always be a place of welcome and hospitality.