You can sign up to serve for one of the following roles during our Weekend Masses:
Weekend Masses
Welcomes those arriving for Mass, distributes and collects worship aids, collects the offering.
Makes the announcements, proclaims the readings during Mass, and in the absence of the deacon leads the assembly in general intercessions.
Altar Server
Assist the priest/deacon in the Mass. Altars Servers should have completed their First Communion.
Communion/Eucharistic Minister
Distributes Holy Communion during the Mass.
Bringing forth gifts of bread and wine / collecting offertory
Assist with the Presentation by bringing forth the gifts of bread and wine. Afterwards assist with the collection of the offertory.
Sound Board Operator
Operates sound board to ensure all parishioners can hear the word of the Lord!
Have additional questions?…
Contact Tom Sagenbrecht at 708.372.3711 or Mark Bouchard at 312.953.0603 or fill out the form below and someone will get back to you.