

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It was nice on Saturday evening and on Sunday morning to see people sitting in their usual places. It was as if time had stood still but then I noticed some of the children and how they had grown and matured in one short month…. God help the parents who cloth and feed them. Then there was the collage in the gathering area that reminds us to pray for our students in College… a very strong reminder of the passage of time. Scripture reminds us of all of these things in the words” there is a time to live and a time to sow…” We are reminded constantly of the need to have Christ at the center of our lives. Time does not stand still. We very often (over) worry, but not always about the right things. On my recent travels I had all sorts of plans for what I wanted and needed to do. None of my plans came to fruition because of my brother’s ill health. I still had fun and enjoyed myself. Why? Because I spent more time with my brothers than I normally would. I walked a lot which was good for my health and my back.. Letting go and letting God into the driving seat can work wonders. If you have faith in God then you will have faith in yourself. As we journey together in time we realize in the words of Patrick “if Christ is with us who can be against us” We journey every day into the unknown. We do not know what we will face and so we continue to pray Christ be with me Christ be before me and he will be our guiding light leading us onward and safely till we rest with him. Let the journey continue. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl