

father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Tuesday is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. When I was a child it was the day the country Aunts came into the big city to do their Christmas shopping. Many in rural Ireland did that on the 8th of December. For us it meant there would be a Sunday style dinner around two or three in the afternoon, but it would also mean extra goodies or a few extra coins in our pockets depending on what the Aunts had let over after the shopping. After it was all over my father would be on hand to make sure they caught their trains. I give thanks for those great and for the generosity of those who helped create them. This year the 8th of December marks the beginning of that Extraordinary Holy Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis. It is a time of proclaiming the Mercy of God. We are asked to show that Mercy to others but also to avail of that mercy in the Sacrament of penance. We priests are reminded that when we sit in the confessional wear not judges but instruments of God’s Mercy. All of us have met the priest who got out of bed on the wrong side or say himself as judge and jury. I have had that experience. Sometimes it’s the reason why we find it a hard sacrament. My place of choice is St Peter’s in downtown Chicago. I love the anonymous setting, the fact that I can go in at any time of day, but I also realize my need for forgiveness and that without God I am nothing. Without it my ministry is empty. By kneeling there I am challenged to take a hard look at my weakness and look for the grace of forgiveness and strength and the courage to continue on the journey. This Advent tide use the opportunity to avail of the sacrament Sat evening before Mass Wed evening before Mass or anytime by request. Remember it’s a time to experience the mercy of God and to celebrate the love of God. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl