Weekend Masses


father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This Sunday we begin the journey towards confirmation for some of our young people. The program for this year is slightly different. We are reminding them that our faith does not stop at the door of the church but involves other people particularly those who lives may not have run as smoothly as they would have wished. Jesus, in the gospel today tells us a story. It’s a story of those with lots of material wealth but no spirituality and of a poor homeless individual sitting at the gate looking for scraps. He is poor but he has dignity and faith. He is a respectable person, but the rich man does not see him as such. All of us as Christians need at times to move out of our comfort zone. Our faith calls us to do that. Go and take the Christ with you is the challenge put before us at the end of every Mass. That is the challenge we are trying to put before all of our confirmation students this year. We are trying to enable them to live their faith in the market place. Every month we hope to have a speaker that will encourage them and their parents to get involved in some activity outside of the four walls of our church. Our program will be running on a Sunday evening once a month and at the end we will celebrate Mass. This Mass on the confirmation class Sunday will take place at 7:45 pm and it is open to everyone So as we journey together in faith let us pray for one another and go out to the whole world with joy to proclaim the good news in word and deed. Let the Journey continue. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl  


father_karl_216Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last weekend the first of our family centered faith formation classes began. It was good. The light house was a star attraction so different from the time machine of last year but a valuable tool in helping proclaim the gospel but like all tools it did not work the first time. Penny despite her recent mishaps was in fine fettle ably assisted by her husband Joe. On Sunday night we had the confirmation retreat led by deacon Ron Searls . His wife Eileen was also present. It was obvious that he captured the attention of the confirmation class and the parents. Thanks to all who took part and were responsible for the organizing of the retreat. All our confirmation sessions this year will be on a Sunday night once a month and will include a Mass starting at approximately 7.45 pm which will be open to all. In effect this means that once a month there will be a Sunday evening Mass. I hope that if it proves necessary it will grow into a more permanent feature of our parish. Faith is a journey and as we travel this journey we hope to grow in our knowledge of Christ and his church. We learn together parents and children. We pray together and we share our faith centered on the Eucharist for it is through the word and sacrament that we receive the strength and nourishment to continue the journey. I pray that throughout the coming year all families will take advantage of the opportunities in our parish to enrich our faith; by being part of our Eucharistic celebrations every weekend and by encouraging your children to be active in all our events. During Advent and Lent there will be many opportunities for faith sharing. During the year on Tuesdays and Thursdays there is time set aside for Eucharistic adoration Tuesday 5:00pm to 8:00 pm and Thursday 9:45 am to 10:45 pm Let our Journey continue. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl