Today we celebrate the baptism of the Lord. In Baptism we have all become sons and daughters of God. Sometimes we forget that and we judge people, because of where they live or what they have or have not because of the color of their skin, their race or religion. Even for the apostles it was at times a learning curve. Read chapter 10 of the acts of the apostles (part of what we read at mass today) you see Peter struggling with the same dilemma and God reminds him that he Peter “must not call anyone profane or unclean” Peter addresses the household of Cornelius and says” I now really understand that God has no favorites, but that any- one of any nationality who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him”. Even with this new understanding St Paul later rebukes him for falling back into old ways when he is only dining with the Jewish Christians. Even for the apostles living out the gospel was difficult at times As we continue to journey through the year of mercy we too have to challenge ourselves to see our world in God’s terms and values. We need to reflect on the gospels and the New Testament to see where we fall short and try like Peter to walk in the right path. May this year of Grace help us all to a new understanding of God’s Mercy in our world and in our lives. Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Once again we stand at the gate of the New Year. Like all new things it has promise and hope, but is there hope for those resolutions that we make. Is there hope for peace in our world? I would say that there is more hope for peace in the world then some of the resolu- tions I have made. This year I hope and pray that I can be a good pastor and friend. We have many things planned for the year ahead. In February Deacon Vic runs in the New Orleans Mara- thon and is looking to you for sponsorship to help the parish build a rectory. During lent we hope to have a few fish fries. On April 29th we are planning a Dinner Dance and grand raffle to raise funds for the rectory and to pay down some of the debt. My hope is that though these and many other events we will lay a foundation for a rectory but also for a stronger faith community. I can have all the hopes and resolutions I like but without you they are pipe dreams. Thank you for the help and support you have given me; for the grace filled moments; for the laughter and tears. All have made my life more fulfilling. As we journey together this year May we see the first fruits of a rectory rise above the ground, but above all may we journey as a family whose faith is built on a sure foundation. “By this shall all know that you are my disciples I you love one another’ Let the journey continue May God bless and protect you on this journey Happy New Year. Fr Karl