Weekend Masses


Father_KarlDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, If you come to the weekday Masses, you will have heard me using the Eucharistic prayers for various occasions Every prayer has a different Theme so the preface for every prayer is different but the opening part of the four prayers are the same. 1. The Church on the path to unity. 2. God guides his Church along the way of salvation. 3. Jesus the way to the Father. 4. Jesus went about doing good. Early on in the Bulletins I spoke of faith as a gift and believing as a journey. The first of the Eucharistic prayers for various occasions talks of the church on the path to unity the second about God guiding his church on the way of salvation. For me a path can be and the ide of guide speaks of a journey. On that path we need the presence of Christ guiding us. Christ is present in the community , in the word and especially present in the Eucharistic bread and wine.. The bread and wine brought to the Altar represents the fullness of our lives journey. We ask the Holy spirit to come upon them and we also ask him to come into our lives so that as we go forth from this place we can bring Christ with us on our journey to the world and be part of the Church on the path to unity. Let the journey continue, Pray for me as I pray for you, Fr Karl


Father_KarlDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I had a baptism by fire my first week here. The Totus Tuus camp began Sunday night I hosted the team Sunday night for dinner. Monday morning over 50 children were all over the place. They were beginning a journey of faith, that includes learning, praying and playing. They had fun and the place was filled with noise and laughter. Wednesday night saw the volunteers (parents, grandparents middle schoolers and friends) provide a terrific selection of food, which we all enjoyed. All this is what the journey of believing is about. The opportunity to learn, to pray and to play and along the way meet, share and make new friends.” Love One Another “, Jesus tells us. We show that love in action. Your faith and generosity show that Jesus is alive and journeying with us In Christ, Fr Karl